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  • Writer's pictureMike and Glenn

Investing in the future

If one sets aside an initial $100 and then contributes $100 monthly to the fund, accruing a 4% compounded interest rate, the account's value, after ten years, would be $14,874. (Play with more calculations here)

If one plants a corn seed in the spring and then contributes proper water and light for 55 to 95 growing degree days, the plant will produce an ear of deliciousness near the fall season. (For more fascinating corn-growing facts, click here) .

The building of the Panama Canal began in 1904 and was completed in 1914. It took three years to assemble the Titanic and more than thirteen years to construct One World Trade Center.

Recovery does not happen overnight

Just as the destruction of ourselves took time to play out, proper reconstruction of a sober life demands time, planning, and patience. (OXFORD: Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.)

Admittedly, we were impatient when we began this journey. We wanted immediate results in recovered finances, restored health, and repaired relationships. We instantaneously wanted to know the why behind the drink and sought prompt clarity and direction to accelerate the healing process.

We commanded the powers above that we get our lives back, our wives back, our cash back, and our dog back (we figured we could make a country song out of this rant) lickety-split. We conveniently forgot that it took years of neglect, misuse, and abuse to bring us to bankruptcy (financial, physical, and/or spiritual).

The city of Hiroshima rose from the ashes in a few short years after the “Peace Memorial City Construction Law” was promulgated. It was not restored identically to its original form, which would have been an impossibility, but was transformed into the scarred city it is today. Healthy but forever hurt.

We have come to a point, through experience, that teaches us that if we are to reap the compounded interest, indulge in the harvest, or enjoy the new structure, we must take the daily tasks at hand, execute with integrity, and appreciate that with time our vision will transform into reality. The promises will come to pass.

Revolutions do not take place overnight. Planning, coordination, and strategic execution are all required elements for success. As we are revolting against our old behavioral patterns, we need to incorporate these same components into our daily lives.

The best blueprint for personal transformation we have uncovered is found in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. The literature provides a guide to basic understanding, big thinking, and instructions for a better behavior base.

Plans without action are ineffective. And though a map to a more harmonious existence exists (the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous), it is up to us to execute the plans laid out on the pages. There will be delays, trouble, and suffering. There will be struggles, setbacks, and heartache. But, we can say that through our experience, the net gain is a positive compounded return on our effort. We need to put up with the pain of the deposits, plant the seeds, do the work, in order to capitalize on the long-term vision.

Consistency corresponds with compounded returns; therefore, the more we invest, the more we plant and care for, and the more work we do, the bigger the reward,

Today, we will do more.


Thoughts and ideas for this blog post were taken and built upon from a podcast #131 "Boiling the Frog" - What does Surrender look like? the episode dropped on 9/27/2023 Click here to hear the podcast.


Alcoholics Anonymous and AA are registered trademarks of Alcoholics World Service. Inc. References to AA, the 12 steps, and 12 traditions does not mean that AA has reviewed or approved the contents of this publication nor that AA agrees with the views expressed herein. This publication is intended to support personal growth and should not be considered a substitute for healthcare professionals' advice. The author’s advice and viewpoints are their own.


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