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Writer's pictureMike and Glenn

We got a guy.

Our turning point came when we figured out that we didn’t have it figured out. 

Some say humans utilize only ten percent of their brain capacity, while others put the number near thirty percent. Either way, most agree that more capacity remains untapped.

In 1916, Lewis Madison Terman developed the intelligence quotient or IQ, and since then, it has been used as a baseline to identify genius.  And, though Albert Einstein is the most notable intellect, he doesn’t make the top ten scorers on Terman’s scale.

Those who have spent quality time with us would indeed surmise that we are not, by any means, genius status and that it is obvious that we are not tapping into our total brain volume. 

Our conversion into sobriety was but a first step on a long journey of discovery and growth. 

Long-term abstinence cleared our minds, allowing us to see and feel what is – a fresh reality that had been extinguished by drug and alcohol abuse. A dramatic perspective shift happened when our vision focused on the facts.  Our emotional maturity today is slow but steady.  We have not arrived, but we are moving in the right direction.

Staying grounded is a tool we learned in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).  We acknowledge that we sometimes find our feet in the air, returning to behavior based on ego and our self-centered nature.  This is a battle – but one worth the fight.

Understanding that our perspective does not always equate authenticity to truth, we seek guidance from other sources.  Our primary basis for counsel comes from others on the same path that we are, from those who have turned the corner and shared the same destination we desire to reach.

Our instinct tells us that we possess all the answers, are Einstein-esque, and use all our brain power.  Surrounded by the right people, they will quickly point out that we are psychologically levitating. True fellowship delivers accountability that will help keep us grounded. 

We have learned not to say yes or no too quickly.  We have witnessed the power of non-transactional advice – advice given for the betterment of ourselves with no ulterior motive.

There is purity in opinion that is provided in our best interest.  There is additional value from someone who knows how we instinctively tick.  It is from the lips of those fellow warriors that we listen intently. 

We are grateful for those who support us and bind us in unconditional love. 

Having been given a valuable gift, we live to gift the next guy or gal.  We stand ready to be an honest sounding board to those struggling with themselves.  We don’t have all the answers, but we commit to being available to share the truth as we see it from the outside. 

Our life purpose is to pass on the principles and practices we have learned in AA.

Answers exist, we believe.  When we pursue truth through others, through the wealth of resources at our fingertips today, and through our higher power,  we can move confidently toward the destination we yearn for.  Our chosen terminus is peace.  We think we can get there with the help of others – and by helping others.  We just have to be willing to ask.

We don’t have it all figured out – but we know a guy.




Thoughts and ideas for this blog post were taken and built upon from podcast Bonus Drop titled “Real Conversations:- a 3 year check-in”… The session dropped on 3/27/2024….Click here to hear the podcast. 


Photo by Mark König on Unsplash


Alcoholics Anonymous and AA are registered trademarks of Alcoholics World Service. Inc. References to AA, the 12 steps, and 12 traditions does not mean that AA has reviewed or approved the contents of this publication nor that AA agrees with the views expressed herein. This publication is intended to support personal growth and should not be considered a substitute for healthcare professionals' advice. The author’s advice and viewpoints are their own.


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