We have been asked if we leverage AI in the writings of these blogs. Until today the answer has been “NO.” Good or bad, we write these blogs by heart. Some sentences easily flow out the conscience while some struggle, yet begrudgingly release by our set deadline. We write, edit and publish about one post per three hours of total effort.
Our writings aim to bring the reader toward a better way to live. Sober.
Addiction is such a battle for so many. And that breaks our hearts. The struggle was our story, as is our victory over addiction. But who are we? We are certainly not the final answer – the final answer lies within each individual. For many, maybe millions, the question is, “how do I break the cycle?”
For this Blog, we invited an AI agent, ChatGPT, to discuss the “easiest way to get sober.” We invite others to engage artificial intelligence and actual humans in a quest to find the peace and serenity that is sobriety.
Here is how our conversation went:
SC: So, knower of all, how does one break the cycle of addiction? For years, we have battled this monster: endless broken promises and countless mornings of regret, remorse, and shame. Health concerns, frayed relationships, horrid financial ramifications, and legal problems follow us. We don’t have much strength, so what is the easiest way to get sober?
AI: The easiest way to get sober depends on various factors, such as the severity of addiction, the duration of substance abuse, and the individual's personal circumstances. However, here are some general tips that may help:
SC: Wait. So, one size does not fit all? But addiction is addiction, and we think we qualify. Others act worse than us, but you must know we are dying inside. The concern and conflict have us questioning our sanity. Can you suggest what steps we can take to begin the healing process?
AI: Seek professional help: It is recommended to seek help from a healthcare professional, such as a doctor, therapist, or addiction specialist, who can provide medical assistance, support, and guidance through the recovery process.
SC: That’s an excellent place to start. We guess that we have to be brutally honest, huh? But, on the other hand, we understand that there is a significant physical danger in abruptly stopping the use of alcohol or drugs, so it makes sense to get ourselves under professional care.
Once we have a pro in our pocket, what would you recommend as our next move?
AI: Join a support group: Support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can be beneficial for individuals struggling with addiction. These groups offer a community of like-minded people who can provide encouragement, advice, and understanding.
SC: Really? This is the best you got? Almost everybody has heard of AA, and we know people who have succeeded, BUT we know others have failed. We suppose one must be committed to buying into the fullness of the program themselves to determine its effectiveness. We also know that there are other similar programs out there that people can look into if the spiritual aspect rubs them the wrong way.
What would be another step?
IA: Stay away from triggers: Avoiding triggers that may lead to substance abuse, such as certain people, places, or activities, can help in staying sober. Instead, try to engage in healthy activities that promote overall well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or creative hobbies.
SC: That is good advice, as we have learned that shifting people, places, and things is essential in fulfilling sobriety goals. Though sometimes painful, it has proven to be the healthiest thing to do. We also like the re-direct suggestion. We found that with new clarity and energy, there is much enjoyment and fulfillment in areas we never suspected.
So, taking care of our personal needs is essential in recovery?
AI: Practice self-care: Taking care of oneself is crucial in the recovery process. Eating well, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation can help reduce stress and improve overall health.
SC: This all makes sense to us. Any parting words or advice?
AI: Stay motivated: Recovery is a challenging journey, and setbacks can happen. It's important to stay motivated and focused on the end goal of living a sober and healthy life. Celebrating small successes and seeking support when needed can help in maintaining sobriety.
SC: Thanks! We heard you say: get help, try a recovery program, avoid stress, focus on health, and enjoy life. So, get healthy – stay healthy. Got it!!
There you have it. From the most intelligent, innovative machine in town: 5 steps to sobriety.
Mike and Glenn - Sober.Coffee (SC) and ChatGTP ( IA)
Alcoholics Anonymous and AA are registered trademarks of Alcoholics World Service. Inc. References to AA, the 12 steps, and 12 traditions does not mean that AA has reviewed or approved the contents of this publication nor that AA agrees with the views expressed herein. This publication is intended to support personal growth and should not be considered a substitute for healthcare professionals' advice. The author’s advice and viewpoints are their own.
Photo by Google DeepMind on Unsplash