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Me, myself and we

Writer's picture: Mike and GlennMike and Glenn

We were riding a glass elevator.  We were on top of the world.  The car was filled with those we enjoyed.  We were full of confidence and optimism for the future.  There was light.  There were cocktails.  We sipped, laughed, and loved.  Suddenly, we felt ajar. Our stomachs flipped a bit.  We felt ourselves falling ever so slightly.  The door opened at the floor of a realization that we were different. Some of our mates got off.  We kept descending. We advanced from sip to chug.  With each lower level reached, more got off.  We sank through embarrassment, denial, humiliation, confusion, self-reflection, health concerns, a DUI, demoralization, and alcohol-induced anxiety.  We advanced from chug to guzzle. We ended up in the basement. The car was empty - the bottle was empty.  It was pitch dark.  We had reached the end.

According to, there are over 123,000 AA groups that support over 100 languages. Many more online options are available around the clock.  For each individual who needs help in moving up from the bottom, an individual is willing to show them how.

Science supports the idea that more energy is required to go up than down.  We don’t argue science.  We have found that if one needs a push, many hands make light work.  If five people pick up one hundred pounds – the load is just twenty pounds. The point is that it would be difficult, to say the least, to crank ourselves back up to the top of the shaft by ourselves, but with a team of people, the ascension can happen with minimal effort on our part.

Relationships are invaluable to recovery.  A caring community supports the sick, nursing them back to health one bowl of soup at a time.  AA groups, in general, provide that level of commitment and care. In addition, we found heightened support in our circles once we stood on selflessness and honesty.  In short, our recovery flourished when our interactions became void of condition and were stripped of judgment. 

We began to move up, passing the floors of defeat and embracing newfound stops of clarity, joy, accomplishment, growth fellowship, calmness,  peace, and purpose. We ended up at a place that eclipsed, by far, our previous heights.  Our car was once again full; we were surrounded by legitimacy.  The numbers were less, but the quality was superior. 

Tears of pain have transcended into drips of joy.   

We should mention all the work, the reeling of the sceneshifter we did along the way up: our commitment to abstinence, the step work, the service, and the spiritual growth we placed as a priority.  This was all done together – a community project.  We are hard-pressed to see how we could have done it alone. 

Here are the facts: we can do drunk and dry “alone.” Sobriety requires “we”.

The we loves us before we can love ourselves.  The we takes the call at one in the morning.  The we guides us through their journey while shaping ours.  The we sees the uncovered.  The we loves without condition.  The we leaves off judgment.  The we sends daily emails and checks in often. The we chairs meetings. The we serves the coffee.  The we supports completely.  The we prays for us when we don’t know how to pray.

As for me and myself, we will embrace we – with all our might. 




Thoughts and ideas for this blog post were taken and built upon from podcast #37  titled " Nathalie Shares her Story of Experience, Strength & Hope”  The session dropped on 12/15/2021….Click here to hear the podcast. 

 Photo by Steve Gale on Unsplash



Alcoholics Anonymous and AA are registered trademarks of Alcoholics World Service. Inc. References to AA, the 12 steps, and 12 traditions does not mean that AA has reviewed or approved the contents of this publication nor that AA agrees with the views expressed herein. This publication is intended to support personal growth and should not be considered a substitute for healthcare professionals' advice. The author’s advice and viewpoints are their own.



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