Well documented in the records of humanity, repression and enslavement of individuals and classes happened and still happen today, and though we were never held physically, we have been owned in spirit by spirits. The anguish, distress, and pain caused by that that owned us qualifies us to use this sensitive term. If we offend, it is not done with disrespect, as it is not our intent to belittle the reality or torment of human slavery.
The fact is that for years, we had been held captive to the pull and control of alcohol and drugs. Our will was no match for our master, liquor. We were not free to live as desired. Instead, we were bound to a bottle, never allowed to sway too far away. Everything we did revolved around the poisons we digested. Would we have enough? Was it close enough? Were we buzzed enough? Were we too drunk? Would they know? Would we care?
Our feelings and emotions remained chained and confused as clarity rested beyond our reach. The imprisonment lasted for decades as our every breath was dictated by booze. It was a sorry way to live. There was little sunshine during that time, and there were clouds and constant storms. The darkness owned us.
Liberty came that day when we finally surrendered to our foe, and it, in turn, set us free. There was no last battle for us; we laid down our opposition and picked up our independence. The terrible tyrant who controlled us left us, allowing for a rebirth through choice.
Freedom, the power to determine action without restraint or personal liability, allowed us to act and live in a way we never imagined. This newfound autonomy permitted us to build an existence on a new set of practices and principles.
Void of the grip of alcohol, we were left with the control to choose how we process self-talk, self-discovery, and self-improvement.
Our newfound freedom fueled our pursuit of peace, that point of time in life where everything is as it should be. The light, which once alluded us, was now allowed to shine on our efforts.
This, we believe, is ours to lose. Foolishness and fear could send us back to our old master or create a new one by default. Now becomes the time to be on guard against falling slavery to other destructive impulses such as work, shopping, eating, misguided sexual pursuits, etc. We can't fool ourselves into thinking that alcohol is the only peace-stealer in a world fraught with vices.
Lies perpetuate all around us, claiming that we can fill the void within without damaging the outside. The tools we have picked up help prevent that lure. We try to learn from our mistakes as we attempt to grow to our full capacity.
The steps of 12-step recovery have helped us free away from the grips of slavery. Not just some of the steps, but the program complete. Freedom costs in time and effort, but the payout is full of value.
So, we surrender daily to what enslaves us – not waiving a white flag, but doing an about-face and following the words laid out in the book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Our hearts go out to those still in captivity, our thoughts to those chasing calm, and our prayers to those who have committed to freedom.
Thoughts and ideas for this blog post were taken and built upon from a sober.coffee podcast “#58 titled “Freedom in Sobriety - Break the Chains of Alcoholism.” The podcast dropped on 5/4/2022. Click here to hear the podcast.
Alcoholics Anonymous and AA are registered trademarks of Alcoholics World Service. Inc. References to AA, the 12 steps, and 12 traditions does not mean that AA has reviewed or approved the contents of this publication nor that AA agrees with the views expressed herein. This publication is intended to support personal growth and should not be considered a substitute for healthcare professionals' advice. The author’s advice and viewpoints are their own.