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  • Writer's pictureMike and Glenn

Sonia’s Toolkit

On a recent episode of, our friend Sonia joined the boys at the coffee shop and discussed her new endeavor EverBlume. This unique platform pairs those in need with those willing to support them. More on that later.

Sonia is a great energy with an incredible heart, serving the incarcerated and those affected by sex trafficking. She has over six years of sobriety and has turned her passion into a profession. She is an inspiration to many and a resource to be recognized.

She inspired our HELP post and offers services to support others navigating sobriety and standard life issues.

Over the course of the conversation, she introduced us to the toolkit that she uses to stay sober, and we thought this was worth an extra blog to pass along these steps:

Staying Connected

Connectedness provides us with support, accountability, and insight. Look, we don't have all the answers. The world tells us we are on our own, but we have found that 1 + 1 = 3 in many instances. We have learned that getting out of ourselves and plugging into community is the linchpin to lasting contentment.

There are many support groups that we can plug into offline and online. We have no excuse as availability exceeds our needs. And group sessions are only the beginning. Usually lasting for an hour, simple math tells us that that leaves 23 hours of the day unsupported.

We are reminded that using those omnipresent phones we carry throughout the day is a huge differentiator. It separates us from isolation.

Still, we build an army and connect arms to take on the battles before us.

Playing the tape forward

One of our personal favorites, “looking forward,” past our present action, is a discipline that pays healthy dividends.

We know what happens after the first sip or the first pill. Another drink and another drug have always followed it. We fill in the detail of the damage that the progression returns. We have years of factual data that support our thesis.

Simply stopping the moment in time and embracing the truth of the transaction keeps us from taking that first sip – always.


Not just for women journaling is a powerful tool that takes the massive amount of information banging around our brains and produces bullets that we can examine and understand. Providing an opportunity to process, pontificate and create a framework for thoughts, ideas, and dreams, journaling .allows for a deeper understanding of one’s self.


“Be still and know”; meditation is our time to listen. Listen to our heads and our hearts. Listen for the still voice of reason and reconciliation. Listen for the fears and pain that move us. Listen for the long-awaited answer. Listen to the universe.

There is such an abundance of meditation options available to us. So many resources are online and offline. There is no right method. The point is to get to a place of quiet. It can rejuvenate while guiding like no other discipline.

Health (HALT)

Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired are foes to be reckoned with, as time and experience have proven.

A poorly tuned motor will cease to function if not properly maintained. Our engine is found within us. We have found that we don't need to be fitness extremists but pay attention to our body's basic need to secure our sobriety.

We do our best to eat healthily, control our emotions, stay connected, and get plenty of rest—four simple disciplines; one fantastic result.

Keeping a normal schedule

Chaos can be a concern. Schedules and structures cannot be underestimated in our quest for balance, leading to a favorable lifestyle. We don't keep a strict schedule but adhere to a regular program that delivers stability and supports our desire to stay sober. We plan our days so that our days don't get planned by useless or destructive activities. Important to note that as vital as growth is, exercises of periods of rest, reflection, and self-care are as essential.

These six tips are invaluable, and we can't encourage the newcomer or seasoned sobriety veteran to engage in one or more of these sober-bent activities.

We thank Sonia for sharing her experience, strength, and hope with us on an early Saturday morning when she could have easily stayed in bed and to herself. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sonia.

May we, with the help of each other, stay sober one more day.


About EverBlume

EverBlume is a safe space to share, learn and grow in a recovery journey. Not a traditional recovery program, EverBlume is a community. And everyone is an essential part of that community. Not 1 of 200 people on a zoom call or even 1 of 20. Instead, each is matched with a group where participation is integral to its success. The only expectation is that one shows up with an open mind and heart, ready to give and receive support.

Thoughts and ideas for this blog post were taken and built upon from a podcast titled “Sonia from EverBlume”…The podcast dropped on 06/21/2023. Click here to hear the podcast.


Alcoholics Anonymous and AA are registered trademarks of Alcoholics World Service. Inc. References to AA, the 12 steps, and 12 traditions does not mean that AA has reviewed or approved the contents of this publication nor that AA agrees with the views expressed herein. This publication is intended to support personal growth and should not be considered a substitute for healthcare professionals' advice. The author’s advice and viewpoints are their own.


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